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Descent 2 midi remix mod! (partial)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:12 pm
by Alter-Fox
D2x-Xl has so many mods... textures, sounds, weapons, effects, even loading screens now... but apart from one halfhearted attempt (by me) at mastering the D2 midis with "real" softsynths, there hasn't really been any 'official' music mods.

That's all about to change! I've been slowly working on full remixes of the D2 (and D1) midi music, and now the first phase is complete! Namely, I've remixed all four level songs.

So, I offer up the first real music mod for D2X-XL! It's not really complete yet, but it's complete enough that it's playable. Later on I'll update it once I finish the menu, briefing, and credits music. In the meantime, enjoy playing through D2 Counterstrike with the remixed soundtrack.
It's worth noting that all of the songs are somewhat longer than the originals. ...

To install the mod just unzip it into your main D2X-XL directory. The mod folders are already created.

The zip also includes the loading screens mod for Descent 2 counterstrike, the loading screens were meant to go along with this soundtrack.

It would be awesome if the remix mod could be hosted on the main site... (hint hint).