The design of the models is like this:
The hardware is associated with channels. Each channel represents control of a particular hardware device (say, a particular LED light)
The channels can be grouped into sources. A source is a convenience for people - think of a source as something like the sun, or the moon - each of which is associated with a group of channels. The channels have a many to many relationship to sources.
The scheduling is driven by profiles. Profiles describe different shapes over time - right now I have a square pulse, a sine wave, a "^" shape, a positive linear slope, and a negative linear slope defined.
Channels, sources, and profiles are all glued together with a ChanProfSrc object that has many to one relationships with the three, including a scaling factor for the association.
Here's the
Code: Select all
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from math import sin,pi,ceil
import Adafruit_BBIO.PWM as PWMctl
from time import sleep
from datetime import timedelta
# Set up the options for some fields
hwChoices = (
(0, 'GPIO Out'),
(1, 'OneWire In'),
(2, 'PWM Out'),
shapeChoices = (
(0, 'Constant'),
(1, 'Positive Linear'),
(2, 'Negative Linear'),
(3, 'Sine'),
(4, 'Square'),
(5, '^ Shape'),
# Create your models here.
class Source(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __unicode__(self):
def __str__(self):
def calc(self, calctime=[], prof=0):
# Pre-fetch all of the data by channel.
data = []
name = []
color = []
now =
for c in self.channel_set.all():
#Pre-seed a list for the data.
if not prof:
objset = c.chanprofsrc_set.filter(
objset = c.chanprofsrc_set.filter(,
predata = []
for cps in objset:
[i*cps.scale for i in cps.profile.intensity(calctime)]
#Now, multiply all of the contributions are make the tuple.
for i, v in enumerate(calctime):
t = (v - now).total_seconds() / 3600
rundata = 1
#If predata is empty (there are no profiles), 0 rundata.
if not predata:
rundata = 0
for r in predata:
rundata *= r[i]
#If this is not the first time, add another element.
if i:
tupdata += ((t, rundata), )
#If the first time, create the tuple.
tupdata = ((t, rundata), )
#Add this channel's data to the data list.
#If this didn't generate data, return blank data.
if not data:
return {'name':['Blank'], 'data':[((0, 0), )], 'color':['ffffff']}
#Return the generated data.
return {'name':name, 'data':data, 'color':color}
class Profile(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
start = models.DateTimeField()
stop = models.DateTimeField()
refresh = models.FloatField(default=24)
#Note: refresh is the amount of time to add in hours.
shape = models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=shapeChoices)
def __unicode__(self):
def __str__(self):
def intensity(self, calctime=[]):
start = self.start
stop = self.stop
shape = self.shape
r = ()
# Shape = 5 is a V shape
if shape is 5:
slope = 2/((stop-start).total_seconds())
shift = 1/slope
for c in calctime:
r += ((1 - abs(slope * ((c - start).total_seconds() - shift)))
* int(c > start and c < stop), )
# Shape = 4 is a square wave
elif shape is 4:
for c in calctime:
r += (int(c > start and c < stop), )
# Shape = 3 is a sine curve
elif shape is 3:
# Note: Do the max so we avoid returning negative values
for c in calctime:
r += (max(sin((c - start).total_seconds() *
pi / (stop - start).total_seconds()),
0)*int(c > start and c < stop), )
# Shape = 2 is a negative linear slope
elif shape is 2:
# Calculate the slope & intercept
slope = -1/((stop-start).total_seconds())
intercept = 1 # x = 0 is at self.start
# Zero only if after the stop; if before make one.
for c in calctime:
if c < start:
r += (1, )
r += ((slope * (c - start).total_seconds() + intercept)
* int(c < stop), )
# Shape = 1 is a positive linear slope
elif shape is 1:
# Calculate the slope & intercept
slope = 1/((stop-start).total_seconds())
intercept = 0 # x = 0 is at self.start
# Zero only if before the start
for c in calctime:
if c < start:
r += (0, )
elif c > stop:
r += (1, )
r += ((slope * (c - start).total_seconds() + intercept), )
# If all else fails, treat it like a constant, ignoring time
for c in calctime:
r += (1, )
return r
def calc(self, calctime=[], p=0):
# Pre-fetch all of the data by channel.
name = []
color = ['ffffff']
now =
#We basically just have to format the data.
predata = self.intensity(calctime)
for i, v in enumerate(calctime):
t = (v - now).total_seconds() / 3600
if i:
data += ((t, predata[i]), )
data = ((t, predata[i]), )
data = [data]
#Return the generated data.
return {'name':name, 'data':data, 'color':color}
def cleanup(self):
now =
#If the schedule is still running, do nothing.
if now < self.stop:
#If refresh is set to 0, delete the profile.
if not self.refresh:
for cpr in self.chanprofsrc_set.all():
#If the schedule has ended, add the refresh time until it's active again.
addAmount = timedelta(hours=self.refresh*ceil(
(now - self.stop).total_seconds()/(3600*self.refresh)))
self.start = self.start + addAmount
self.stop = self.stop + addAmount
class Channel(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
hwid = models.CharField(max_length=10)
hwtype = models.IntegerField(default=2, choices=hwChoices)
pwm = models.FloatField(default=500)
source= models.ManyToManyField(Source)
maxIntensity = models.FloatField(default=1)
traceColor = models.CharField(default='ffffff', max_length=7)
def __unicode__(self):
def __str__(self):
def start(self):
if self.hwtype is 2:
# Start the PWM
PWMctl.start(self.hwid, 0, self.pwm)
def stop(self):
if self.hwtype is 2:
# Stop the PWM
def set(self, calctime=0):
if not calctime:
calctime = []
calctime = [calctime]
v = 0
for s in self.source.all():
predata = []
#Pre-seed a list for the data.
for cps in s.chanprofsrc_set.filter(
predata.append(cps.scale * cps.profile.intensity(calctime)[0])
#Now, multiply all of the contributions for this source.
srcdata = 1
#If predata is empty (there are no profiles), 0 rundata.
if not predata:
srcdata = 0
for r in predata:
srcdata *= r
#Add this channel's data to the data.
v += srcdata
#Make sure v is between 0 and maxIntensity:
v = max(0.0001, min(v, self.maxIntensity))
#Return the value
return self.manualset(v)
def manualset(self, v):
if self.hwtype is 2:
PWMctl.set_duty_cycle(self.hwid, 100 * v)
def calc(self, calctime=[], p=0):
# Pre-fetch all of the data by channel.
chandata = []
name = []
color = [self.traceColor]
maxInt = self.maxIntensity
now =
for s in self.source.all():
#Pre-seed a list for the data.
predata = []
for cps in s.chanprofsrc_set.filter(
[i*cps.scale for i in cps.profile.intensity(calctime)]
#Now, multiply all of the contributions for this source.
for i, v in enumerate(calctime):
rundata = 1
#If predata is empty (there are no profiles), 0 rundata.
if not predata:
rundata = 0
for r in predata:
rundata *= r[i]
#If this is not the first time, add another element.
if i:
#If the first time, create a list
srcdata = [rundata]
#Add this channel's data to the data list.
#Now, add up the data from all of the sources and tupilize it.
for i, v in enumerate(calctime):
t = (v - now).total_seconds() / 3600
rundata = 0
#Cycle through the data and add the source contributions.
for c in chandata:
rundata += c[i]
#Make sure the data in between 0 and maxIntensity.
rundata = max(0, min(rundata, maxInt))
#If this is not the first time, add another element.
if i:
tupdata += ((t, rundata), )
#If the first time, create the tuple.
tupdata = ((t, rundata), )
#If this didn't generate data, return blank data.
if not tupdata:
return {'name':['Blank'], 'data':[((0, 0), )], 'color':['ffffff']}
#Return the generated data.
return {'name':name, 'data':[tupdata], 'color':color}
class ChanProfSrc(models.Model):
channel = models.ForeignKey(Channel)
profile = models.ForeignKey(Profile)
source = models.ForeignKey(Source)
scale = models.FloatField(default=0)
def calc(self, calctime=[]):
scale = self.scale
r = ()
for i in self.profile.intensity(calctime):
r += ((i[0], i[1]*scale), )
return r
def __unicode__(self):
return + +
def __str__(self):
return + +
As part of the page, I generate some plots using reportlab by calling the different calc() methods in the code above, passing it a iterable of the times for which it wants data. The methods return the data in a list of specially formatted tuples (a tuple of 2-element tuples containing x, y data points) plus a little bit of formatting/naming info. If you look at the code, you will see that the methods end up iterating through a lot of loops, and it really isn't all that efficient. I'm looking for suggestions for how to make the algorithm run more efficiently.
A couple notes:
If you call calc() on a profile, I want it to return one set of data with the shape of the profile.
If you call calc() on a channel, I want it to return what the channel will really do:
Within each source, multiply all of the contributing scaled profiles (note: all are <1, so the multiplying has a reducing effect). Then, add up all of the contributions from each source.
If you call calc() on a source, I want it to return the contribution of the channel (I.E. the multiplication of the contributing scaled profiles), with multiple sets of data, one for each applicable channel.
Right now everything seems to be working *right* just not as *fast* as I'd like.